So What if I skipped a week of So What Wednesday, sometimes things like making copious amounts of cupcakes, cakes, fruit salad, green salad and deli trays can get in the way. I'm so not complaining...I may be a little tired but I am blessed...
So What if I had the best of intentions when I bought that bag of Heath Bars this morning. I swear it...they were only to be added to Rice Krispie Treats...which are important people. The fact that 2 servings of the bars went directly in my mouth before 8 a.m. this morning is just a hazard of the job. got it...I CANNOT be trusted...
So What if killing three spiders before I left for work this morning was less than acceptable. These eight legged devils need to evacuate my home STAT or bad things may happen...just sayin...
So What if I harbor guilt for hiring a house keeper. Why is it that we all feel like we need to do everything?? Mommy guilt can take a hike...cause I plan to enjoy it...end of story...
So What if I selfishly wish school wasn't almost out. I can already hear the phone calls of fighting children who think that somehow laying on the couch all day and Snap Chatting earns them something fabulous...UGGGHHH...please tell me I'm not alone!!...
So What if the weather over the last week has confirmed the fact that I should live somewhere warm. Add a few palm trees and I might just feel like I am in heaven...
So What if deciding to take Remi on my run was a terrible decision. I can't decide if her pulling me for the first half of the run, dogs coming out to greet her that were not nice or me pulling her for the last half was the worst part. Needless to won't happen EVER again...lesson learned...
It's Hump Day peeps. Once again I'm living for the weekend. Sweet sun-