Over the years I have really whittled down my shopping list. I have realized that buying a gift for everyone in my amazingly large family is completely unnecessary! My sisters and I won't even be buying for one another or each others children this year. It just gets to be too much. With furlough days, gas prices and other economic downfalls we all could use a little break.
I do however like to do little things for the people who have really helped me or made a difference in my year. We all have that handful of family, friends and neighbors who we just couldn't live without...the people who put the skip in your step and the smile on your face during a bad day. For those people and others I have decided to do a handmade Christmas. From now until Christmas I will be giving you ideas that are inexpensive and yet thoughtful.
My first gift idea is one that you can do online. It isn't completely handmade but it is VERY personal and something to be treasured forever! At the photo shop of costco.com they have so many wonderful things that you can make with pictures that you download onto their site. I think it would be so great to make a book with pictures of your families entire year together. Trips you have taken, special events, camping, etc. You can even add a few lines under pictures to remember a funny thing that happened or just an over cap of the day.
For about $35.00 you can have a gift for that special person on your gift giving list. It is a gift that will touch their hearts and let them remember the year and all of the wonderful memories you have had as a family. A preservation of your fun year together...I can't think of anything better. Sweet gifting-J
More handmade ideas to follow. Let the holiday season begin. Sweet gifts-J
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