So what if I'm pretty sure that I have aged 10 years in the last week. I need more gray hair and wrinkles...said no one EVER...
So what if I'm convinced that my Tater only thinks of three he can golf next...and who he can golf with. Yep...that is pretty much it...
So what if I've decided that using your daily calories on sugar when you are stressed is a good thing. There is nothing that a cookie can't heal...
So what if I know that we need rain/snow but I'm enjoying the weather anyway. I realize that I will be regretting that this summer when there is not enough water to knee board and keep my lawn green but I just can't help it...
So what if my children's arguing might just push me over the edge. By edge I mean...the edge of my sanity...the edge of my patience...the edge of my ability not to spank teenagers. They don't know how close they are...
So what if Christmas Break was the longest two weeks of my life. Come on...I can't be the only mom who is thinking this??...
So what if I currently obsessed with Diet Coke more than normal (which is ridiculous). I know it is terrible for me but unfortunately it is my drug of choice...
So what if we haven't had dinner before 8:15 all week. Late practice can really get in the way of real life things like feeding your children...
So what if I was secretly filled with joy when Taylea locked herself out of her phone for a few days. Watching her go through phone withdrawals made me happy (sympathetic mom right here). Although I will admit that her determination to get it fixed was admiral...why can't she use that to clean her room or do homework??..
So what if every week I complain about cell phones. It is a fact that life was better when the only thing cell phones did was make a call...
Happy Hump Day readers. Stayed tuned for Happy Horse details. Sweet golf-
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