So what if the time change can SERIOUSLY take a hike!! Why is it that loosing an hour of sleep can feel like a lifetime....UGGGHHH...
So what if Monday night of the Bachelor was the biggest lamest finale yet. I'm not sure where Juan P. went from every girls dream to every girls nightmare but it certainly happened. Poor Nicki...
So what if Target is my favorite store EVER. That is as long as you don't have 4 hyper and whiny kids in tow. I'm certain that I am loosing patience with each passing day...what were we thinking??...
So what if my biggest victory of the week was out running my 14 year old. I may be slow but don't count this mama out...
So what if adding Nascar events to the already scheduled golf on our DVR is exceeding all limits. I mean Tate really is the only one who should get to watch TV...right??...
So what if Cookie Dough Brownies have morphed into something beyond my comprehension. I guess that can happen when you have a 3 layers of sugary goodness...
So what if I have drug out some of my spring/summer clothes even though I am sure we still have Winter coming. My white legs tell my not to but the nice weather wins every time...
Happy Wednesday Peeps. Enjoy the sunshine!! Sweet sun-
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