So What if my children's eye sight is questionable. I need to get them an eye appointment A.S.A.P...somehow they can't see things. Dirty clothes on the floor, dishes in the sink...
So What if I'm convinced that my kids arms may be broke. Any of their stuff laying around the house can't seem to get picked up. Pretty sure they may need a sling or even a cast. I think it is pretty serious...
So What if my children have issues with understanding simple that MOM doesn't stand for Made of Money. It is just short for mother not anything else. With texting lingo nowadays they think everything is an acronym...
So What if I wish my children would have learned about time when they were younger. Dealing with two teenagers who have no idea of time or thinking that I have an abundance of it to do everything for them makes me want to send them back to the 3rd grade...
So What if I have diagnosed my children with deafness. When you can't hear your mother ask you to take out the garbage from 5 feet away then you might need some form of hearing aide (or a swift kick in the butt)...
So What if their noses can't smell either. When you don't know whether the clothes on your floor are clean or dirty or if you can't smell the stench from underneath your bed then something has to be done. I don't even know if they have doctors for this ailment...
I'm sure I'm not not the only mother experiencing this. :) I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend. After my adult camping trip who knows what next weeks "So What Wednesday" could bring??? Sweet attention-
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