Wednesday, September 3, 2014

So What Wednesday...the million reasons why you haven't heard from me...

So lets get real for a second (because lets face it...that is all any of us have) most likely didn't notice that I was missing from the blog world for like the last 6 million 9 hundred and eleven days (or something like that).  Summer comes and we all get busy or if you are super relax!!  I wasn't a part of the super smart club this summer...

*  I took a second job and have spent the summer getting certified to teach high schooler's how to cook and prepare them for the world.  I'm not sure who is crazier...them for hiring me or me for taking a second job...

*  I was whisked away to culinary school.  Awwww....the feeling of 4 whole evenings with nothing to do (oh ya...except for the months of paper work I brought to work on)...

*  My mother decided to go ahead and let her heart stop working correctly.  Can you believe that business???  One pacemaker, six days in the hospital, a plane ride and a million worries later...well her ticker is working better than ever.  We have a new Carl in this here woods...

*  I had to study for a test people.  I am 38 years old and had my 20 year class reunion this year (which I didn't attend...sorry)...I haven't taken a test can do the math!!  I was stressed and whined to poor Darb for weeks and then I went and took it with a ton of nerves.  You know what??  I passed...thank goodness!!!

* Then I did other random things like sit in a dunk tank for a fundraiser (not fun), go to the water park with my sisters and their hoodlems (super fun), made a gazillion batches of cookie dough brownies (not really), ran, hiked, did water aerobics (hey don't knock it til' you try it), rode the jet boats on the Rogue with Darb and his sweeties (a must try), made a few wedding cakes (not making them anymore), slip n' slided in the dark (the bruises on my body say to never try again), laughed so hard at dinner with my friends that my stomach hurt for days (everyone needs that sometimes), listened to my kids fight (what's new), came to terms with the fact that my daughter has a permit to drive (scary!!!), watched entirely too much golf on TV because Tater has is recording constantly (pretty sure he has a one track mind), went on a few motorcycle rides with Darb (so fun), and ended the summer with a 5k in memory of my sweet Grandma Anna Mae (nothing better).

All in all it was a pretty amazing summer.  I hope yours was too!!!  Sweet summer- 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

So What Wednesday...

So What if I skipped a week of So What Wednesday, sometimes things like making copious amounts of cupcakes, cakes, fruit salad, green salad and deli trays can get in the way.  I'm so not complaining...I may be a little tired but I am blessed...

So What if I had the best of intentions when I bought that bag of Heath Bars this morning.  I swear it...they were only to be added to Rice Krispie Treats...which are important people.  The fact that 2 servings of the bars went directly in my mouth before 8 a.m. this morning is just a hazard of the job. got it...I CANNOT be trusted...

So What if killing three spiders before I left for work this morning was less than acceptable.  These eight legged devils need to evacuate my home STAT or bad things may happen...just sayin...

So What if I harbor guilt for hiring a house keeper.  Why is it that we all feel like we need to do everything??  Mommy guilt can take a hike...cause I plan to enjoy it...end of story...

So What if I selfishly wish school wasn't almost out.  I can already hear the phone calls of fighting children who think that somehow laying on the couch all day and Snap Chatting earns them something fabulous...UGGGHHH...please tell me I'm not alone!!...

So What if the weather over the last week has confirmed the fact that I should live somewhere warm.  Add a few palm trees and I might just feel like I am in heaven...

So What if deciding to take Remi on my run was a terrible decision.  I can't decide if her pulling me for the first half of the run, dogs coming out to greet her that were not nice or me pulling her for the last half was the worst part. Needless to won't happen EVER again...lesson learned...

It's Hump Day peeps.  Once again I'm living for the weekend.  Sweet sun-

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

So What Wednesday...Proof that my children may need immediate medical attention...

So What if my children's eye sight is questionable.  I need to get them an eye appointment A.S.A.P...somehow they can't see things.  Dirty clothes on the floor, dishes in the sink...

So What if I'm convinced that my kids arms may be broke.  Any of their stuff laying around the house can't seem to get picked up.  Pretty sure they may need a sling or even a cast.  I think it is pretty serious...

So What if my children have issues with understanding simple that MOM doesn't stand for Made of Money.  It is just short for mother not anything else.  With texting lingo nowadays they think everything is an acronym...

So What if I wish my children would have learned about time when they were younger.  Dealing with two teenagers who have no idea of time or thinking that I have an abundance of it to do everything for them makes me want to send them back to the 3rd grade...

So What if I have diagnosed my children with deafness.  When you can't hear your mother ask you to take out the garbage from 5 feet away then you might need some form of hearing aide (or a swift kick in the butt)...

So What if their noses can't smell either.  When you don't know whether the clothes on your floor are clean or dirty or if you can't smell the stench from underneath your bed then something has to be done.  I don't even know if they have doctors for this ailment...

I'm sure I'm not not the only mother experiencing this. :) I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend.  After my adult camping trip who knows what next weeks "So What Wednesday" could bring???  Sweet attention-

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

So What Wednesday...

So What if having my washer out of commission for almost two weeks is making my crazy!!  It has been a learning experience...a)Plumbers don't return calls well or show up when they say they will b)My appreciation for a working washer in my own home has grown immensely c)Darb's house may only be a block away but it seems like miles when you are lugging baskets full of laundry.

So What if weather over the last few days could use some good medication.  Bi-polar tendencies is an understatement...come on...sun, rain, wind and hail all in about 5 minutes??  Oh right...I just remembered...we live in Lake bad...

So What if I know that my next two weekends in Medford for kids sports should make me happy and instead I am tired already.  There were times in my life that I would be gitty about it...I wonder if it is my age or my new life adventure.  Needless to say...Home is good!!...

So What if our Remi dog has been a little tired as of late.  Long hikes with mom have unexpectedly kicked her butt.  Granted...she is probably running 3 times as far as I am but I'm taking it as a 38 years old I have to take anything that I can...

So What if I have the hardest time spending money.  For some reason I am ladden with buyers remorse over about anything.  The kids and I have decided to take a trip in the fall but I just can't get myself to make the reservations and see the money (I've worked my butt off for) flying out of my account.  I know we need it...hell...we may even deserve it.  I can do this...I can do this...

So What if knowing that my son is planning to leave for the summer makes me realize that in two years I am going to be a COMPLETE wreck.  You are given this baby to raise for 18 years and then one day they move does a parent deal with that?  I'm convinced that God has made teenagers jerks to help with the transition...

So What if I'm officially in love with my IPhone.  There...I said it!!...

Happy Wednesday Peeps!!  Have a fabulous week!  Sweet weather-

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

So What Wednesday...Teenager Edition...

So What if there are parts of me that like having teenagers more than toddlers.  I realize they might not be as cute but they can wipe their own butts, feed themselves and stay home alone...sometimes freedom can trump cute little faces.  Yes I just said that and yes that might make me a terrible mother but let's face it...true story...

So What if teenage drivers are as stressful as a newborn baby.  The difference is your life is in their hands instead of the other way around and at 15 or 16 with raging hormones I don't always think that is the best idea...

So What if I think that being a teenager with the technology they have now is harder than it was when I was their age.  I don't think it was God's plan to put hand sized computers that take pictures, send messages and have instant access to anything in the hands of teens (or anyone for that matter).   Sometimes less information is more...just saying...

So What if knowing that I am now the annoying parent that mine once where is hard for me.  Somehow I still see myself as being semi-cool (I said semi) but quickly realize with the roll of an eye that I am SOOO not.  Damn it!!...

So What if the expense of teenagers is crazy!!!  How in the hell can people who have only been on the earth for less than a quarter of their life cost so much???  Anyone??  Anyone??...

So What if my sisters might be the only ones (besides me) who know what movie reference (from our teens) that Anyone??  Anyone?? comes from and yes that just shows how nerdy we are which also may make you realize why my kids think I am totally uncool...

There it is.  Teens can suck it right out of you.  Sweet teen-

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

So What Wednesday...Television Edition...

So What if the Real Housewives of Orange County are about as crazy as they come but somehow watching them makes me happy (guilty pleasures people).  When your biggest dilemma is what kind of champagne (aka Champs) to order, designing a 20,000 square foot home (no that isn't a mistake) and what island your next trip will include then I'm intrigued.  Not really sure what that says about me...and yes...I could be the crazy one...

So What if I'm ready for the new season of Sons of Anarchy already.  For all of you fellow SOA lovers there is really only one word...JAX...

So What if there might be another show I watch just for the eye candy.  Eric and Jesse on E! is a must watch.  If you haven't seen it yet then google Eric Decker and I'm positive you will be tuning in on Sunday...holy cow does that boy have good genes...

So What if I just don't think that Erin Andrews was the right choice to replace Brooke Burke on Dancing with the Stars.  It seriously has me not wanting to tune in...

So What if my nephew and I have lengthy conversations about Ragnar and Rollo on the Vikings.  Grader and I love this show and although I'm surprised they allow some of the scenes on network TV ...I still LOVE IT anyway...

So What if I'm sure it doesn't surprise you that the Food Network is my favorite channel.  First of all I just have to say that Ree Drummond rocks it!  Then there are those chefs on Chopped can somehow turn jelly beans, kale, anchovies and tortilla strips into an amazing is that even possible?...   

There you have it...I watch crazy rich women, hot boys, a host that sucks, Viking brothers who sometimes want to kill one another and food.  I can't explain it is what it is.  Sweet TV-

Friday, April 18, 2014

So What Wednesday...

So What if "So What Wednesday" is coming to you on Friday.  I still have Christmas decorations on my front entry at home people...a couple of days is nothing...

So What if my son deciding not to play football is heartbreaking.  I'm pretty sure I was born to be a football mama...what in the hell am I supposed to do now?  Get over it...ya...well...I'm trying...

So What if two migraines in less than two weeks is completely crappy.  Why must my head hurt...ALL.OF.THE.TIME???...

So What if I have planned on weight lifting at the gym for weeks and for some reason I just can't seem to get there.  I will go on Monday...I will go on Monday....I will go on Monday...

So What if I might like my Iphone more...alright...A LOT more than I thought I would.  I will admit that looking back I realize that I should have upgraded before my old phone was ancient enough to go into a museum...

So What if Mini Cadbury Eggs might just be the best holiday candy EVER.  I knew there was reason I liked Easter candy being in the stores for 3+ months...

So What if my niece and nephew spending the night made my kids and I realize that our need to stay up all night isn't something that is enjoyed by everyone.  I literally thought my kids were going to go crazy when the lights were out by 9 p.m..  Please tell me were are not the only ones who stay up way too late... 

Have a fabulous weekend everyone.  Sweet Easter-