Monday, July 16, 2012


The last week has been a little hard for turn that means that my creativity is in the dirt!!  I have not been taking pictures, cooking, crafting or anything else creative and I hate when that happens!! So I have decided to cut myself a little slack...this week I will just be posting things that I feel like saying.  Good, bad or ugly that is just the way life goes sometimes...even though I don't like it at ALL!!  So on this Monday and after a long weekend I have decided this...

Some days, there comes a time when no matter what the questions is, the answer is ALWAYS wine!! Sweet answers-

1 comment:

  1. Quote I came up with long ago when I was going through a tough spell in my life....It still rings true!

    "A man is like a tree; without the rain of misfortune, the sunshine of happy times, and the support of his roots by God and his family; he will grow weak, wither, and eventually die." S.K.T. 1992
