Sunday, November 6, 2011

Meet my family...

Right now I think most of my readers know me pretty darn good but for the few out there who don't here is a post just for you.

This is me...

I LOVE being a mom.  Don't get me children drive me up a wall on a regular basis but I do think that it is the best and most rewarding job in the entire world.  If you have read my recent posts you can tell that I can be a little obsessive about certain things...craft projects, candy corn, making lists, sharpie markers, Diet Coke, ironing, decorating my home and the list could go on and on and on but that is good for now.

This is Tater (Tate)...

He is my first born.  Man I love this kid (I say kid but he is bigger than me), he is so sweet and kind.  Someday a girl out there is going to get a pretty awesome catch if I do say so myself.  He loves NASCAR, golf, football, baseball and his sister..hehe, maybe not in that particular order. 

This is Tales (Taylea)...

She puts the excite in exciting!  She does not know a stranger and can make friends with someone new in about 1.2 seconds.  She is passionate about life and her mama loves her BIG bunches.  She loves hanging out with friends, talking to friends, texting friends and being a friend.

We can't forget about Jack...

He is our adorable 9 month old Yorkie puppy that my sister and her husband gave to us (thank you).  We love him more than ice cream sundaes topped with hot fudge, sprinkles and whipped cream! 

So this is my family...the ones who put up with me in the kitchen all hours of the day and night, baking, taking pictures, crafting, decorating and someone where in midst of all of that being their mom.  Thank you so much for reading.  Sweet loves-J

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